Survey Question #1: Does Your Bathroom Show any Signs of Mold, Mildew, or Water Damage?

If the answer this question is YES, then you should be thinking bathroom remodel ASAP. There are a host of reasons that signs of mold, mildew, and water damage might be showing in your bathroom, and none of them are good. They include . . .

  • Poor ventilation
  • Leaking tubs, toilets, showers, and faucets
  • Failing caulk, grout, and other waterproofing measures
  • Hidden plumbing failures

While signs of mold, mildew, and water damage are certainly an eyesore, the underlying causes behind them can lead to much bigger problems for homeowners. Visible signs of mold and mildew are often just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the true extent of the problem, and serious mold and mildew buildup can lead to a number of health issues, including respiratory distress, chronic irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and skin, and even more serious immune system disorders. Beyond that, ignoring signs of water damage can lead to serious structural issues in your bathroom if the underlying source of the water isn’t identified and addressed.

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